Saturday, 31 December 2011

Jobs at Save the children in Uganda

Job Title:Project Coordinator, Audit Cell phones Technology and training (ACT) for Birth

Job Description

The Project Coordinator – ACT (audit, cellphones, technology) for Birth Uganda will be responsible for providing technical support, coordination, implementation and supervision of all ACT for Birth related project activities. This includes leading the development of research protocols, coordination and implementation of project activities, documentation, and supporting project processes for ACT for Birth implementation within existing maternal and newborn care programs and services and building and maintaining strategic partnerships. The successful candidate must have experience in health projects with a focus on MNCH , research procedures, good report writing and comprehension skills, experience in training and support supervision of both community (Village Health Teams) and health facility based health workers, and monitoring and evaluation skills as well as technical experience in intrapartum monitoring using electronic and paper based tools. Knowledge of maternal and peri-natal mortality audits is an added advantage.

How to Apply

Applications with detailed CVs indicating 3 referees, two of whom should have been direct supervisors and copies of academic testimonials/ certificates should be submitted to;
The Head of Human Resources & Administration Save the Children in Uganda Plot 68/70, Kiira Road P O Box 12018 Kampala Or on email:
Deadline 4th Jan 2012