Monday, 16 January 2012

Regional Programme Officer Job Vacancy at GWP Eastern Africa

Job Title : Regional Programme Officer - GWP Eastern Africa, Entebbe, Uganda
Closing Date: Friday, 20 January 2012

The Global Water Partnership is an Intergovernmental organisation with a global action network of partners supporting countries and regions in the sustainable development and management of water and related resources worldwide. The Global Water Partnership's vision is for a water secure world, in which communities are protected from floods, droughts, and water borne diseases, and where environmental protection and the negative effects of poor water management are effectively addressed. Its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels.
GWP-Eastern Africa (GWPEA) is a regional arm of GWP in Eastern African Region. GWPEA brings together governmental, non-governmental, educational, private and civil groups and all interested water related institutions and sectors in the Eastern Africa region, for purposes of supporting countries in the sustainable management of their water resources. Member partners constitute the GWPEA Consulting Partners of the regional network bringing to the network expertise, experience, information and commitment to facilitate an integrated approach to water resources throughout the region. To deliver its work in the region, GWPEA has a governance structure with three parts:
Consulting Partners: It is a representative body of the regional network which meets Bi-annually to set policies, programmes and budgets, inter alia.
Regional Steering Committee: It has an advisory and supervisory role, provides orientation to the Partnership, takes decisions on strategic issues (i.e. work plan and budget approval) and is responsible for supporting fundraising initiatives aiming at ensuring the financial sustainability of GWP-Eastern Africa.
Secretariat: A small secretariat responsible for the overall co-ordination, management and administration of the Regional programme activities. The secretariat is currently hosted by the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) which is based in Entebbe, Uganda. The secretariat is headed by a Regional Coordinator appointed by the GWPEA RSC. The Coordinator is supported by Regional Programme Officer/s, Regional Communications Officer and works closely with Country water partnerships.
GWP Eastern Africa now seeks to hire competent and qualified men and women to fill a Regional Programme Officer position to be based at the GWPEA Regional Secretariat in Entebbe, Uganda. The Regional Programme Officer reports to the Regional Coordinator.
A. Functions Of The Regional Programme Officer
The overall responsibility of the Regional Programme Officer is to coordinate and support implementation of projects and activities in the Regional Work programme for GWPEA, develop and maintain key strategic partnerships as well as support the related Knowledge Management and Network activities. The Regional Programme Officer (PO) is responsible mainly for the programmatic/technical Goals 1 and 2 in the new GWP n EA strategy. The PO also has responsibilities in Goals 3 (knowledge management) and Goal 4 (the GWP n EA network.
Specific functions of the Regional Programme Officer are:
Coordinate development and implementation IWRM projects addressing critical development challenges such as climate change, food security, urbanization, water resource conflict, water financing and other development challenges recognizing and promoting an IWRM approach
Supports project activities aimed at integrating water in national development plans
Support project planning and implementation at local, national, transboundary and regional level which aim to put IWRM principles into practice
Develop project proposals, work plans, and budgets for regional activities
Support to implementation of on the ground Demonstration projects – Facilitating and demonstrating the use of IWRM tools, climate change adaptation, food security and guidelines in promoting sustainable approaches to water resources use, development and management
Monitor, review and prepare implementation of progress reports for GWPEA partners, GWPO in Stockholm and relevant donors
Support implementation of the Water, Climate, Development project ( in Eastern Africa as well as other climate change projects with regional partners such as UNEP on the Nile Basin
Coordinate involvement of relevant Partners and the Regional technical Committee (RTEC) in the implementation of activities
Coordinate knowledge management of outcomes related to projects in Goals 1 and 2 of the GWP strategy as well as strengthen knowledge management in the GWP EA network
Support training on IWRM ToolBox - a GWP knowledge management tool, and coordinate development of case studies and information on regional, national and local IWRM projects for input into the GWP ToolBox
Develop and coordinate implementation of Regional Capacity Building Projects in collaboration with GWPEA partners, various regional IWRM capacity building institutions and networks – for raising the awareness and understanding of IWRM, climate change, food security, transboundary water management and others
Coordinates and provides management support in developing country programmes and activities in liaison with the RPC and entire GWPSA programme team.
B. Term of Office
GWPEA offers a competitive salary and benefits package commensurate with the qualifications and relevant experience. Only qualified individual with requisite experience are legible to apply for these positions, and women candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Advanced degree (M.Sc. degree and above) in any or combination of the following fields: natural science, water management, economics, climate change, development Studies, environmental and social sciences, engineering or any equivalent educational background.
At least five (5) years post qualification experience, including experience in integrated water resources management and working at regional level in Eastern Africa
A demonstrated understanding of international and trans-boundary aspects of the management of shared river basins will be of added advantage
Experience in program development and project management including knowledge of the project management cycle
Experience in managing climate change adaptation projects at local, national and regional level including familiarity key concepts and tools for climate change adaptation
Proven ability to operate in a multi-cultural environment and to interact positively with a wide range of stakeholders within an international and multi-government context.
Proven ability to be a valued and contributing member of a multi-disciplinary team and to exercise high-level inter-personal skills in all situations.
Excellent written and spoken communication, including high-level fluency in the English language and an ability to transmit ideas and information in a clear, accurate and effective manner. Knowledge of French is an advantage.
Must be willing to learn from others

How to Apply
Application/cover letters clearly indicating the position applied for and accompanied by detailed curriculum vitae should reach the Executive Director Nile Basin Initiative at not later than 20th January 2012, Only short listed candidates will be contacted.