Sunday, 26 February 2012

Jobs at DFID Uganda - Social Development Adviser Job Vacancy

Job Title: Social Development Adviser
Reference: DFIDJOB-0167
Closing date: 05 March 2012
Interview date: Not Specified
Number of vacancies: 1
Salary: - A2L
Location: Kampala, Uganda
Appointment Terms: Permanent
Working Arrangements: Full-time
Specific requirements:
Brief description: The national Social Development Adviser (SDA) at A2L level will work closely with the UK Social Development Adviser (A2) providing complementary support to the DFIDU programme.


Uganda aspires to be a middle income country by 2040 and revenue from oil production could mean early graduation from aid. GDP growth has averaged 7.6% annually over the last 5 years. The UN’s 2010 country report on MDGs found significant achievement in addressing income poverty, hunger, gender equality, HIV/AIDS treatment and access to safe water. Economic growth and an expansion of service delivery have been underpinned by stable government and the cessation of conflict, first nationally and then in the north

But the benefits of growth are uneven. Some 27% of Ugandans are thought to live in chronic poverty; service delivery quality has not kept up with expansion and governance standards are said to be stagnating. Corruption is widespread and accountability systems are weak. Rapid population growth has limited GDP per capita to around $460, and risks negating the country’s economic and social gains. HIV/AIDS is resurgent, with over 130,000 new infections in 2010. In the north, 46% of the population still lives in poverty whilst rural areas generally remain far poorer than towns. Sharp gender inequalities persist. Only 31% of girls complete 4 years’ of secondary education. Some 60% of Ugandan women experience violence of some kind but only 5.5% of them report this to the police. Every day, 16 women die from giving birth.

There are risks to sustained economic growth and even greater ones for equitable development. Oil wealth will bring risks, possibly destabilising agricultural exports whilst millions still depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. State reliance on natural resource revenues elsewhere has notoriously undermined transparent and accountable governance.

How to apply

To apply please fill in the application form and the Positive Action Approach form and e-mail or deliver these with the names and contact information of 3 work related referees to the address below.

People Performance Group
Plot 8 Kitante Close, Kitante
P.O. Box 12405, Kampala

Attn.: The Director

Please mark clearly in the email or envelope: “DFID – Social Development Adviser".

Closing date for applications is 5.00 p.m. on Monday 5th March 2012