Job Description
The secretary District Service Moyo invites applications from suitable qualified Ugandans to fill the following
vacant posts existing in Moyo District Local Government and Moyo Town Council.
Ref: DSC/Moy/01/2012
Salary Scale: U4 Upper
Must have MB.Ch.B or its equivalent from a recognized
institution. Must be registered with the Medical and
Dental Practitioners
How to Apply
Applications should be submitted in triplicate on Public Service Form No. 3, to the Secretary District Service
Commission P.O Box 1, Moyo, and should bear the title of the post as well as the Reference number specified
against the vacancy, the telephone contact number, 3 coloured passport size photographs only photocopies
of Academic and professional qualifications and other relevant documents be attached.
Applicants already in service should route their applications through their Heads of Departments
Applications should be submitted not later than 21st March, 2012, 4.00 Pm. Late Applications will
not be accepted.