Rwebitaba ZARDI is one of the nine Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institutes of National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) established by the NARs Act (2005). It is located in Kyenjojo District and covers Western Highland Agro- ecological zone (Rwenzori Region)
Rwebitaba ZARDI ‘s mandate is to conduct and manage applied and adaptive research and facilitate the development and dissemination of appropriate technologies that address specific needs of the agro-ecological zone. Director Rwebitaba ZARDI invites suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following positions at the Institute located in Kyenjojo District. The details of the advert including duties of the job can be accessed on NARO website
Minimum Qualifications
Diploma in Animal Husbandry or equivalent qualifications
Two (2) years working experience in related area.
He/she should have the following Key Competencies:
Knowledge of livestock, insects and other micro-organisms;
Ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem;
Ability to control field experiments and livestock operations involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem;
Ability to control field experiments and livestock operations
How to apply:
Interested persons with the above requirements should submit hand-written applications together with a detailed curriculum vitae giving day-time telephone numbers and names and addresses of 3 (three) referees as well as copies of professional certificates and transcripts to the undersigned not later than 5.00 p.m on Monday 16″1 July 2012. The Director Rwebitaba Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute P.O. Box 96, FORTPORTAL