Saturday, 30 June 2012

Socio Economist Job Vacancy at NARO


Tasks and Responsibilities:

Establish and regularly update baseline information for agricultural productivity and marketing in the zone.
Collect, collate and analyze data pertaining peoples' livelihoods and farming systems including cost-benefit analysis in the zone.
Avail results from the 2 items above to the team at the center/institute for formulating appropriate innovations and interventions.
Design and spearhead impact assessment studies in the zone.
Carry out studies on production and financial sustainability of recommended technologies.
Spearhead the monitoring and evaluation of technology development and dissemination.

Qualifications and Experience:

Applicants should posses a first degree in agricultural or social sciences - economics option plus a Masters in Agricult

Application Procedures:

Interested persons with the above requirements should submit hand-written applications  together with a detailed curriculum vitae giving day-time telephone numbers and names and addresses of 3 (three) referees as well as copies of professional certificates and testimonials to the undersigned not later than 5.00 p.m on 16th July 2012. For the position of Director, applicants should ask their referees to send recommendations to the Director General by 20 July 2012.

Applications should bear the title of the post as well as the reference number specified against the vacancy indicating the institute of preference. Applicants must not apply for more than two posts.  Applications should be addressed to:

The Director General,
National Agricultural Research Organization,
P.O.Box 295, Entebbe