Thursday, 30 August 2012

Assistant Project Engineer Jobs at The Ministry of Agriculture in Uganda


Job Description

Salary scale: Attractive

Terms: Contract


The incumbent will be responsible for performance of the following

To assist (the project manager in technical and administrative leadership for the efficient and effective management and use of the equipment
Responsible for day to management of all  the equipment
To compiles and analyze data on deployment management and maintenance of the equipment on a day to day oasis
To create awareness about the services and benefits offered Unit in a consistent and coordinated manner
Responsible tor training of start operators, drivers and farmers on maintenance and service of machinery as we as water and any other agricultural infrastructure
To provide technical guidance to Engineering assistants
Any other duties assigned by the supervisor
Minimum qualifications and preference

An Honours Bachelors degree in Agricultural Engineering or Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Registered with applicable Engineers professions] body
Three years of relevant working experience from a reputable organisation
Knowledge and skills

Knowledge Uganda’s policies, legation standards, regulations
Ability to operate heavy equipment and machinery, work with Local communities in the different regions of Uganda
Well developed leadership, interpersonal and excellent oral/written communication skills
Well developed analytical and report  skills and should be computer literate

How to Apply

The Permanent secretary wishes to invite suitably qualified candidates to fill in the following, vacant posts Applications should be fled on Pubic Service form 3 (Revised and submitted to;

The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
P.O. Box 34518

The forms can be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture Headquarters and government ministries and Departments.
Applicants who will not hear from the ministry on completion of the recruitment and selection exercise should consider themselves unsuccessful