Monday, 20 August 2012

Head Competition and Consumer Affairs Job Vacancy at UCC


Reports to:  Director Competition and Consumer Affairs

Job Role:  Develop and implement strategies aimed at increasing competition, curbing anti-competitive behavior among operators, empowering and protecting consumers.

Key Result Areas

1. Develop and/or review from time to time a framework to ensure fair play among the operators including market definition, assessment and ex ante remedies for telecom, postal and broadcasting sector;

2. Review, update and monitor implementation of an operational reporting framework applicable to service providers (postal, broadcasting and telecoms) for the effective monitoring and regulation of the market as well as inform policy formulation and provide inputs to regular publications and reports in fulfillment of the functions of the Commission;

3. Market analysis - analyze and evaluate the market to establish the key sector indicators and the level of service provision. Preparation and publication of communications sector performance indicators and compilation of benchmarks;

4. Advise on regulation of tariffs in certain market segments to ensure competition thrives in the sector;

5. Advise the Commission on matters of interconnection and handling of all interconnection issues including determination of Interconnection rates and regular review thereof;

6. Develop and implement strategies for empowering and protecting consumers through consumer education and the provision of requisite information;

7. Develop and implement a mechanism for resolving consumer complaints and disputes;

8. Review from time to time/ implementation of regulations on consumer protection; and

9. Development of consumer advocacy in the communication sector and creating general awareness amongst consumers about various measures taken by the Commission to protect the interest of consumers.


· A Bachelor's degree in Economics, Statistics, Accounting, Business Administration or a related field; and

· A Masters degree in Economics, Statistics, Accounting, Business Administration.

Key Skills and Experience

· At least five (5) years of experience in macro and/or micro economics, market definition and design, econometrics, cost modeling, pricing, tariff review, competition assessment with a regulatory agency, private company, or non-profit organization engaged primarily in economic/market analysis, data management and policy planning and/ or competition analysis;

· An understanding of economics and data analysis is essential; and

· Good written and verbal communication, strong inter-personal skills and capacity to work as a team.


Interested candidates should submit applications indicating their telephone and e-mail addresses accompanied with the following documents:

1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) indicating two professional and one character referees. Members of Uganda Communications Commission shall not be accepted as referees.

2. Copies of certificates, testimonials, cited in the CV.

Applications should be submitted to the following address NOT LATER THAN 5.00 pm on 7th September 2012 to:

The Director, Human Resource and Administration,

Uganda Communications Commission,

2nd Floor, UCC House

Plot 42-44 Spring Road, Bugolobi,

P. O. Box 7376,


Only short listed applicants will be notified. Any form of canvassing will automatically lead to disqualification of a candidate.

UCC is an equal opportunities employer mindful of gender balance in its establishment.