Friday, 1 March 2013

Many Jobs at The Microfinance Support Centre Ltd

Job Title:  The Microfinance Support Centre Ltd, Uganda
The Microfinance Support Centre Limited (MSC) is an institution wholly owned by the Government of Uganda (GOU). Government created MSC in 2001 as a response to the increasing heed for financial services among the low income Ugandan entrepreneurs especially in the rural areas. The MSC channels Government’s microcredit funds mainly through MFIs and SACCOs in addition to direct credit to farmer unions and agricultural enterprises. MSC also offers business development services with a goal to assist Microfinance organisations upgrade their capacities to manage their businesses profitably and reach more clients. The institution operates in consistency with the country’s Rural Financial Services Strategy (RFSS), which is a component of the Prosperity for All (PFA) programme.
The credit is offered through loan funds and loan products that support the agricultural production value chain namely; production, value addition and marketing.
In order to implement activities under the existing Strategic Plan, the institution URGENTLY seeks to update its Human Resource database by identifying suitable individual resource persons to be engaged on a short-term basis from time to time in the following categories:
 Specialists data base
Monitoring & Evaluation
Resource Mobilization
Loan recovery/debt collection
Risk Management, quality control and compliance
Communication, Advertising and Public Relations
Partnership and Networking
Marketing and Business Development
Financial products Development
Institutional Development /Financial Training
Human Resource Management and Administration
Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets
Data Analysis and Management
Enterprise Development
MIS/IT, telecom, website, network
Treasury and Short term Investments Advice
Property Valuation
Architectural Work
Library/Resource Centre
Assistants Database
Records/documentation Assistants
Legal Assistants
Data collection & entry Assistants
Stores Assistants
Accounts Assistants
Procurement Assistant
Credit/ Loans Assistant
Human Resource Assistant
Marketing Assistants
Communications, Reporting, Website Assistants
Office Assistant/Administrative Assistants
Information Technology, Network, Hardware Assistants
Vehicle Mechanical Assistant
Survey & Valuation Assistant
Architectural Assistants
Financial Trainer/Business Trainer Assistant.
Field Inspection and Compliance
Library /Resource Centre Assistant
Assistants in other areas under (a) above
Volunteers Database
All the above areas under A and B. The qualifications for volunteers are the same as those required under Categories A & B.
Internships Database
Post-Graduate and Undergraduate, see preferred fields under A and B. Send only one pager summary application.
The Company selects the candidates from its pool of applicants as and when need arises. The minimum requirements for category A is a relevant degree and Masters plus a minimum of 06 years experience in the relevant field. A professional training or affiliation to a professional association is an added advantage. Category B requires a degree in the relevant field with one year experience in the relevant field save for No. 8 which requires a minimum of diploma in the relevant field. Candidates with minimum requirements and who have applied shall be short listed, interviewed and banked for future engagements.  
Experience: 6

How to apply:
Candidates with the requisite qualifications should send their applications with detailed Curriculum Vitae. The cover page should be a summary showing only personal details, qualification, list of previous employers, and consultancies done where applicable. Applications in properly sealed envelopes should be submitted to the address given below clearly stating the area of interest on the top right hand corner to be received not later than 07.03.2013 by 5:00 p.m.
Address to; The Executive Director, The Microfinance Support Centre Limited, Plot 46, Windsor Crescent- off Accasia Avenue P.O. Box 33711, Kampala.