Job Title: ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT (Masuliita, Nansana and Kakiri T/Cs)
Job Description
Ref. No. W/DSC/M/17/3/2012 (Masuliita T/c) W/DSC/NS/17/3/2012 (Nansana T/c) W/DSC/K/17/3/2012 (Kakiri T/c) Vacancy: 04 Salary Scale: U7 Age limit: 25yrs and above
Person specification
• A’ Level with a Diploma in Accounts or Uganda Diploma in Business Studies or their equivalent from a recognized University or Institution.
• Must have computer and accounting skills
i. Preparing vouchers;
ii. Assigning Invoice numbers to transactions for further processing;
iii. Recording data and capturing on the system;
iv. Providing Information on Electronic Fund Transfer and executing payments to Beneficiaries;
v. Preparing payment advice form and compiling returns;
vi. Posting vote books and subsidiary ledgers;
How to Apply
Applications in triplicate, should be addressed and submitted to the Secretary, District Service Commission – Wakiso P.O. Box 7218, Kampala not later than Friday 25th May 2012 on PSC Application Form 3 (2008) obtainable from Public Service Commission – Kampala or Secretariats District Service Commission. Serving officers should route their applications through their Heads of Departments who should observe the closing date. Application must bear the title of the post applied for as well as the reference number.
Only PHOTOSTAT copies of academic certificates and testimonials and NOT originals must be attached to the applications.
Current coloured passport size photographs should be attached on each of the forms for proper identifications. Day time telephone contact numbers/E-mail address should be clearly indicated.