Sunday, 26 August 2012

Jobs at UNDP in Uganda- National Consultant Job Vacancy

Job Title: National Consultant

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC) project for the Mbale region of Uganda is being implemented by Mbale District Local Government and benefits from financial support provided by the Danish Embassy, DFID and UNDP, as well as from technical and development support provided by the Welsh Assembly Government. This is a pilot project for the UNDP-UNEP Global Initiative, “Down to Earth: Territorial Approach to Climate Change”. The project will provide a coordinated mitigation and adaptation plan to combat the deleterious impacts of climate change in three districts of Mbale, Manafwa and Bududa in Mbale region of Uganda. The project was designed for 2 years with a start date of August 2010 and end date of June 2012. The project was granted a 1 year No Cost Extension up to June 2013.
Job title:  National Consultant for the development of a aknowledge ma
Employment type: Full time
Country: Uganda
City / Location: Kampala and Moroto
Min. years of experience: 8 years
Minimum degree: Bachelors degree
Closing date: August 29, 2012 - 5pm
Additional Category Environment and Energy
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : National Consultant
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start) 10-Sep-2012
Duration of Initial Contract : 12th September- 13th November 2012
The project was designed to: provide a coordinated mitigation and adaptation plan to combat the deleterious impacts of climate change and enable the Mbale region realize low carbon and climate change resilient development. Towards this objective, the project will assist the region to develop their Integrated Territorial Climate Plan (ITCP), which will integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies into regional development planning. This will include developing a policy and investment plan that will identify appropriate regulatory and financial instruments for the implementation of the actions that have been selected by the ITCP and assist the region to access, combine and sequence a variety of financial resources needed to implement the ITCP.
The project outputs include:
a platform for climate change planning and programming;
capacity built to integrate climate change issues into regional development plans and actions;
an Integrated Territorial Climate Plan (ITCP) for the Mbale region;
a Climate Change Policy and Investment package; and
Synthesis and dissemination of lessons learned and best practices (within and beyond Uganda).
The project will help to enable the Mbale region realize low carbon and climate change resilient development. Towards this objective, the project will assist the region to develop their Integrated Territorial Climate Plan (ITCP), which will integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies into regional development planning. This will include developing a policy and investment plan that will identify appropriate regulatory and financial instruments for the implementation of the actions that have been selected by the ITCP and assist the region to access, combine and sequence a variety of financial resources needed to implement the ITCP.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Ugandan National consultant will be required to develop a Knowledge Management System (KMS) for the Mbale region Integrated Territorial Climate Plan through the following tasks:-
Undertake an analysis of local institutions and other options to determine the most appropriate host for the Mbale TACC ITCP knowledge management system.
Assess the suitability of GeoNode[1] as a platform for sharing TACC ITCP spatial data, compared to other options (notably ArcGIS Reader) [2].
Using the project experience as captured in reports, evaluations and studies from the TACC and other relevant projects, synthesize this experience into knowledge products for dissemination.
Present proposals on the best knowledge management system(s). This may be a single solution or several solutions (more likely) to PMU / UNDP.
Review, catalogue and consolidate the data and information gathered during the TACC project including vulnerability assessments and mapping, capacity needs assessment for climate change adaptation and mitigation, adaptation and mitigation option analysis as well as Improved Cook Stoves AE, EcoTrust, the Small Grants and Welsh Assembly Government activities. This will involve the need to also collect and upload metadata along with the raw data itself. This will ensure that the KMS is very clear about how the data was collected, what its applicability is, and terms for reuse once accessed.
Whichever the agreed platform for sharing TACC ITCP spatial data (under b), upload the spatial data and other spatially-related data from the other consultancies to the website / chosen host computer and customise for the project (inter alia adding logos, changing colours, descriptive text). Also set-up access to the TACC site for all project and associated staff.
Prepare and facilitate hands-on training for a selected group of key local staff to use and up-date the KMS.
Fully document data, metadata and information on accessing data.
The National Consultant shall be responsible for delivering the final products and provide liaison with the Project Manager / ITCP Steering Committee / Mbale Regional Climate Change Forum, the Senior Technical Advisor, experts at the Global TACC Facility and the Welsh Assembly Government, also the other project consultants.
A comprehensive final report is required, including all elements of the consultancy.
Inception report
Prepare and submit draft ITCP Knowledge Management System to UNDP
Test run the Knowledge Management System, including any necessary setup and customization of GeoNode or other software and uploading and styling of data and metadata provided by the project within 35 days after signature
A comprehensive report (documenting the data, metadata and information in the KMS, how to access and up-date it) is required as the end product of the consultancy
Terms of payment:
The payment shall be made by UNDP to the consultant according to the following milestones.
1st – upon submission and acceptance of the draft proposal for Knowledge Management System - 25%
2nd – upon successful implementation of the Knowledge Management System – 50%
3rd – upon submission and acceptance of the final report – 25%
Duration and Time-frame:
The tasks described above will be undertaken by the Consultant over a period of 45 working days commencing immediately upon the signature of the contract.
Preparation of Terms of Reference
Advertisement for the Consultancies- 10 days
Selection of Consultant- 4 days
Consultants sign Contract- 1 day
Inception report - 4 days
Prepare and submit draft ITCP Knowledge Management System to UNDP - 20 days
Test run the Knowledge Management System, including any necessary setup and customization of GeoNode or other software and uploading and styling of data and metadata provided by the project within 35 days after signature - 15 days
A comprehensive report (documenting the data, metadata and information in the KMS, how to access and up-date it) is required as the end product of the consultancy - 6 days
The consultant will report to the UNDP Country Director in Kampala-Uganda regarding his contractual obligations but will liaise with the Project Manager for the TACC in Mbale project for their day to day work and guidance on all technical obligations
Fluency in written and spoken English
Ability to communicate effectively in English order to convey complex technical information to general audiences.
Ability to deliver on time.
Skills in negotiating effectively in sensitive situations.
Skills in achieving results through persuading, influencing and working with others.
Skill in facilitating meetings effectively and efficiently, including the ability to resolve conflicts as they arise.
Skills in information management, including IT & GIS
Required Skills and Experience
Required skills and experience of the National Consultant (Ugandan National)
The work must be carried-out by an experienced Ugandan National consultant with the following skills:-
Relevant postgraduate degree from recognized universities (e.g. information management, including IT & GIS, particularly applied to natural resources management / environmental sciences / agriculture) with at least 6-8 years relevant work experience.
Awareness of the predicted impacts of climate change on Uganda’s development across all sectors (inter alia energy, forestry, land use, agriculture, transportation, industry, waste management)
Knowledge of the current best practices in knowledge management to support decision making.
Strong interpersonal and written communication skills.
Experience in UNDP project development is considered advantageous

Application procedure:
Applicants are required to submit the following:
A Job Proposal: Letter of Interest, stating why you consider yourself suitable for the assignment.
Brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment.
Personal CV highlighting past experience in similar projects.
Work references - contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees.
Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee (lump sum fee) and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other expenses) related to the assignment.
Eligible Ugandan National consultants are required to submit application and a detailed CV/Resume online at
Please note that:
The system will only allow you to upload one document, therefore all the technical and financial proposals are to be attached to the CVs and uploaded together at once/as a single document.
Contact/How to apply:
You can access more details and the complete job description