Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Jobs at Bukomansiimbi District Local Government

Job Title : Principal Assistant Secretary (PAS)
Job Description

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill-up the following vacancies existing within Bukomansiimbi District .Department ; Administration

Job Title : Principal Assistant Secretary (PAS)
Salary Scale: U2
No. of Vacancies: 0 1 .

Age limit :30-45

Qualifications and Experience
Should have an Honors Bachelors Degree in  Social Sciences. Development Studies. Social Work  or Arts or Management or Law or Commerce (Management  oplion) o r Business Administration (Management  option) or Business Studies I Management option fo Managemenl Science plus a Certificate in Administrative Law and past graduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management from a recognized Universe or Institution
Duties of post :
I. Coordinating ihe preparation of audit query  responses and initiating actions on PAC  directives;
il . Managing, updating and monitoring inventory of  equipment, fixtures and logislics in the District;
iii. Producing quarterly and annual performance  reports lor tlie Administration Department; ( Compiling responses for ihe CAO lo queries
raised in Council meetings and writing  speeches for CAD and other superiors:
v C ha moling routine inquiries and coordinating  media and CMJWFC relations matters aflecting the  District:
Vi Organizing functions and meetings at the District;
vii. Enforcing accountability lor financial and other  public resources in the District;
viii Monitoring and evaluating deparntal activities  and projects lo ensure proper service DeGveiy;

How to Apply

Application IOITHE PSC (Form 3) are obtainable from (the Office of trie Public Service Commission. Kampala, and District Service Commissions country wide. Chief of Administrative Officer’s Offices and Town clerks offices or www. psc.co.ug.

Filled forms (3) copies must ba accompanied” by 3 pass port size photographs plus certified copies of all re levari certtficates/passlips/transcripts
to reach the SecTetary District Service Commission . P.O. Box 2S3 Masaka within four weeks from the date of this advert, Serving officers should: route the’ applications through their Heads ot Departments who should be advised ol ihe closing date to avoid delays. For more deiails of POSTS, please contact the OSC Secretary Bukomansimbi.

Note 1 ; Please indicate on your PSC form reliable Postal Addresses. Telephone contact and email addresses.
Note 2: Shortlisted applicants wilt be required during interviews lo come along wdh all the original academic certificates, passlips/transcripts and evidence of working experience where required.