Job Title : Probation and Welfare Officer
Job Description
Job Title ; Probation and Welfare Officer
No. of Vacancies: 01 Salary Scale :U4,
Age: 22-45
Qualifications and Experience:
An honors Bachelor degree of Arts/ socal sciences, social works and social administration or development studies from a recognized university/ institution.
Duties of Post :
i. Coordinating the implementation of policies and programmes to prevent Ihe occurrence of vulnerable children in the community:
ii. Initiating and developing children and youth programmes and projecls;
ill. Sensitizing local communities end NGO’s on child care and protection;
iv, Developing and disseminating advocacy materials on child care and protection:
v. Developing plans el action for probation and social welfare:
VL Supervising child care institutions: vii. Organizing. registering, developing and guiding youth groups:
How to Apply
Application IOITHE PSC (Form 3) are obtainable from (the Office of trie Public Service Commission. Kampala, and District Service Commissions country wide. Chief of Administrative Officer’s Offices and Town clerks offices or www.
Filled forms (3) copies must ba accompanied” by 3 pass port size photographs plus certified copies of all re levari certtficates/passlips/transcripts
to reach the SecTetary District Service Commission . P.O. Box 2S3 Masaka within four weeks from the date of this advert, Serving officers should: route the’ applications through their Heads ot Departments who should be advised ol ihe closing date to avoid delays. For more deiails of POSTS, please contact the OSC Secretary Bukomansimbi.
Note 1 ; Please indicate on your PSC form reliable Postal Addresses. Telephone contact and email addresses.
Note 2: Shortlisted applicants wilt be required during interviews lo come along wdh all the original academic certificates, passlips/transcripts and evidence of working experience where required.