Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Private Sector Foundation Uganda Job Vacancies in Uganda


Job Description

The Government of Uganda through the Office ot Prime Minister (OPM) is coordinating the implementation of the Peace Recovery and Development Programme (PRDP) lor Northern Uganda. Private Sector Foundation Uganda manages the Business Uganda Development Scheme (BUDS) that is funded by the UK Department’ for Internal™al Developmeni {DFID) lo boost private sector growth, investment and employment opportunities in northern Uganda for Ihe peridd June 2010-June 2015. The overall objective ol the prajeel is ‘to stimulate pro-poor economic growth in region and lo better retain the economic benehls accruing liom agriculture and other martlet sectors in the PRDP sub-regions including parts of Bunyoro. Achoti. Lango. West Nile. Karamonja. Teso and Bukedi. Private Sector Foundation Uganda wishes to recruit additional staff to fit the position below in the Gulu project office. The position is open to only candidates from the PRDP region with excellentl knowledge of both English andAcholi languages.

The purpose of the job is to ensure accountability, infernal control development & enforcement and admintsnation. The Accountant reports to the Director Finance and is responsible for the following.
1 Reviewing Client Claims submitted under the Business Uganda Devetopment Services Schemes for compliance lo operational and financial procedures.
2. Reviewing eipendilu/e accountability documentation for completeness, adequacy and compliance lo operational and financial guidelines.
3. Managing working advance sub-ledger In accordance with laid down procedures
4. Posting financial transactions into Ihe Sun Systems software
5. Preparing monthty bank reconciliation statements for review by the Project Accountant
6. Reviewing and updating the granl commitment ledger on a regular basis
7 Prepanng regular periodic managemenl reports in
accordance wilh operating guidelines A. Assisting in preparation ot annual financial reports
and accounts
9. Generating vehicle and telephone usage reports
10. Preparing and remitting statutory deductions on a timely Oasis
11. Managing Ihe Gulu office store function
12. Raise payment vouchers for review by the Project Accountant
13. Prepare bank payment instructions for appiovec
14. Property file all accounting documents in accordance wilh PSFU guidelines.
15 Manage the office impresl in accordance wilh PSFU guidelines.
Minimum Basic Education
A Business-Mathematical Degree, computer literacy with
advanced skills in the use of MS Office tools and al least
one Accounting Software.
Minimum Professional Qualification
Professional qualifications such as CPA. ACCA, CIMA,
CA, CIA, CIB and CISA or related qualifications.
Minimum Prior Experience
A minimum of Ihree years of Finance and Accounting experience wilh an audit firm and/or a large organization’ business.

The PSFU will offer the Accountant a two year contract renewable up lo tour years, subject to satisfactory performance and availability of financing.

How to Apply

Qualifying candidates are requested to submit their applications together with detailed Curriculum Vitae including three referees, 2 work related and 1 academic) by 5 pm on the 23™ January 2012 to:
The Executive Director
Private Sector Foundation Uganda,
Plot 43 Nakasero Road,
P. 0. Box 76B3. Kampala, Uganda